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 SDA Jaksel Sudah Rampungkan Pembuatan 157 Sumur Resapan
photo TP Moan Simanjuntak -

South Jakarta Has Completed 157 Infiltration Wells

They function to absorb water into the ground thus it is not completely wasted into the channel

The South Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency has completed 157 infiltration wells spread over nine sub-districts during January to November.

"They function to absorb water into the ground thus it is not completely wasted into the channel," expressed South Jakarta SDA Sub-agency Head, Mustajab, Tuesday (12/8).

14 Infiltration Wells Built in Cipayung Sub-district

Of the 157 wells, 4 of them were in Tebet Sub-district, 12 were in Kebayoran Baru, 48 were in Pesanggarahan Sub-district, 24 were in Jagakarsa Sub-district, 13 were in Kebayoran Lama Sub-district, 3 were in Pancoran Sub-district, 11 were in Mampang Prapatan Sub-district, 27 were in Pasar Minggu Sub-district and 15 were in Cilandak Sub-district.

"From 10 sub-district in Central Jakarta, it is not yet built in Setiabudi due to limited land," he expressed.

He added each well had 2.5-3 meters depth with 1.73-2.36 cubic meters capacity.

"This year we target to build 200 wells, but it is not realized yet, because of bad weather. That's why we'll continue in the next year," he stated.

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